What you read and listen are input for your brain, are ideas that your brain process, without you realizing it or not.
Here is the list of blogs and podcasts that I enjoy reading and listen.
Akimbo by Seth Godin - Podcast
Marketing, cultural changes and compelling stories told with pithy logic and genuine passion.
Seth is a great storyteller, and in each episode of Akimbo, I learn something new.
Derek Sivers - Blog
I enjoy reading Derek's blog, his posts are short but insightful. No vague thoughts in his posts. He writes about life, business and music with simplicity and an opinionated point of view.
Derek also maintains a long list of detailed notes from the last 250+ books he has read. I often check if my next book is on his list. It is like asking Derek what he thinks about it.
He has not written many articles in 2021 since he was busy completing his new book How to Live (https://sive.rs/h).
Scott Young - Blog
Months ago, I attended the online course Learning how to lean by Barbara Oakley by Barbara Oakley. In one of the videos, Barbara interviewed Scott Young, a surprising guy who graduated from MIT's 4-year undergraduate computer science curriculum, in just 12 months, without taking any classes. Since then, I have started reading his blog. He writes about how he approaches his learning challenge projects, self-improvement and learning tips.
The Tim Ferriss show - Podcast
In his podcast, Tim interviews distinctive personalities, like scientists, entrepreneurs, athletes, etc.
I like the format of his interviews, conversational and in-depth. Tim is not in a hurry, and his interviews can last more than 2 hours.
My favourites episodes are those with Seth Godin, Kevin Kelly, Derek Sivers, David Heinemeier Hansson (the creator of Ruby on Rails).
Mark Manson - Blog, Podcast
I found out about Mark's Blog after reading his bestseller, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, which is one of the best books I've read about psychology/self-improvement.
Mark's articles are different from most self-help books that try to teach you "how to be happy". He often states that it is ok to be unhappy and upset sometimes since it is part of being human.
I like his blunt style of talking about depression, relationships and life choices.
Mark also has a podcast where he reads the posts he publishes. Which is excellent, so I can listen to Mark on my phone when commuting to work.
If you like the book, you'll love the blog/podcast and vice-versa.
James Clear - Blog
James writes about health, productivity, and creating good habits that last. He writes compelling stories and easy-to-understand theories to support his arguments.
His articles and his bestselling book, Atomic Habits, gave me many practical tips on creating good habits, like reading every day, maintaining a journal, and exercising.
Many thanks to all the authors of these blogs and podcasts for their effort and commitment.
Updated on 02 Jan 2022